About the Authors
Stephen Wright is founder and lead-author of Two Wright Books. He authored Steam Inclined (2014), Railway through the Rata (2012), and co-authored Journey to the Pass (2009) and West of the Divide (2010). He also edited George Singleton’s Ellesmere: the Jewel in the Canterbury Crown (2007), and authored The Way It Used to Be: the Life and Times of Roy Batt (2003). Currently Stephen is working towards the production of a number of new titles.
Circumstances during 2020 and 2021 have meant changes in the expected order of completion for
certain book projects. As of November 2023, work has resumed on the long-awaited Southbridge history. It is hoped to complete this in 2024. Once finished, attention will turn to another uncompleted project — the railway history of Rolleston and Weedons.
Matt Wright, the son of Stephen Wright, is co-author of Journey to the Pass: Memories of the Midland Line and West of the Divide: More Memories of the Midland Line. In 2015 he published Southern Shepherd, the shepherding memories of Christchurch-based Graeme Fechney. This was published by Floodlight Books.